New Manville Center is a 20-year plan to revitalize a former industrial core.

  • The plan to remediate the Manville NJ Superfund site and reinvigorate a struggling town center is guided by a new urbanist philosophy. It accommodates a wide range of recreation preferences and is permeable to most transportation modalities.

    Public and private services are integrated into mixed-use spaces to facilitate neighborhood cohesion in a socioeconomically stratified community. A protected bike path along the main road encourages sustainable commuting. The north green line provides a buffer between the railway and space for a future transit stop.

  • The plan is meant to function within existing transportation frameworks but easily modulate in response to increasingly pervasive public-transit systems. Mixed-use spaces are emphasized but not to the extent that they fracture the central green space. Surface design and hybrid public/semi-public/private areas render the center accessible regardless of age, income, or ability.

  • Movement diagrams drafted on trace, initial schematics in AutoCAD, and presentation in Adobe Illustrator. Streetscape generated with StreetMix. Structural dimensions and infrastructure requirements set to NJ planning standards. Parking space calculations in accordance with similarly dense site plans.

  • Spring 2018 at Rutgers University. Jeffrey Perlman and Paul Drake’s Intro to Site Planning and Design.