A design exercise in reinventing the wheel: the sectioned wheel (β€œSwheel”) concept.

  • Swheel is an alternate direction in low-speed dualsport and off-road tire development. Sections are secured via interlocking rubber flaps and a simple pin-and-bolt mechanism, eliminating need for specialized technicians.

  • Carrying spare sections requires less resources than carrying a full spare, making it appropriate for long-term, remote expeditions with strict weight limits. The Swheel is more environmentally friendly than standard tires because interchangeable sections localize damage, producing less waste.

  • Sketchup Pro + plug-ins (mostly FredoTools and Twilight Render).

  • Summer 2018 - Winter 2019. The Rutgers Office of Research Commercialization deemed it likely novel but passed, citing high development costs paired with probable limitation to niche industrial, military, and expeditionary applications.