
  • Ran for BOE with former Board President and community activist in Monroe Township, NJ

    Receive β‰ˆ20,000+ votes as a team; received β‰ˆ6,000+ personal votes

    Spearhead community outreach initiatives, digital and print media advertising; built and manage campaign website

    Raise thousands of dollars from small and large donors

    Endorsement from NJ Young Democrats

    Distribute excess campaign funds of β‰ˆ$5,000 to local PTOs, environmental and incarcerated scholarship funds

  • Medical interruption in studies led to bike-packing Berlin > Kazakhstan to gain informal understanding of geographic spread of culture.

    Highlights: guerilla anthropology. portrait, poster, mural commissions. jenga-variant. tracing roots in Ukraine. hitchhiking perimeter of Turkey.

  • ↓ most recent first

    Bartender | State Theatre New Jersey

    Dogwalker | Wag! Labs

    Animal Caretaker | Golden Paws Pet Resort

    Bike Delivery | Jimmy John’s

    Team Lead | Sunshine Ventures Contracting

    Waiter | Morgan’s Island Grill

    Busboy | Albivi

    Shop Attendant | Englishtown Antiques

  • VR/AR studies, fMRI/MRI, biosignals (EEG/EOG, HR/PPG), actigraphy, psychometrics, survey design (Qualtrics), biosample management, eye tracking, pupillometry. facial coding/analysis, motivated & qualitative interviewing, field research

  • R, Python (basic), Excel (advanced), Linux, Stata, CSS & HTML for web, shell, SQL, Unity

  • ggplot, Adobe (XD, Illustrator, Photoshop), Canva, technical diagrams, ArcGIS +ArcScene 3D, AutoCAD (2D), Tableau, 3D modeling (Sketchup)

  • 3D printing, printmaking, digital/analog photography, drawing & painting, woodworking, ceramics, basic mechanical & electronic maintenance/troubleshooting

  • Elementary Mandarin and Spanish, agile methods, various project management software environments, experience with diverse and disabled populations

  • applied / lab component = *
    roughly sorted by scale ( Β· ⇨ ⬀ )

    Genomics *

    General Biology *

    Molecular Ecology & Population Genetics *

    Fundamentals of Cell & Developmental Biology

    Adv. Neural Plasticity & Regenerative Medicine

    Fundamentals of Neurobiology

    Advanced Neurobiology

    Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience (Graduate)


    Physiological Psychology *

    Maps, Movies, & Animal Minds

    Cognitive Science

    Visual Intelligence *

    Studio Drawing *

    Chinese Calligraphy *

    Traditional Painting *

    Graphic Design *

    Minds Machines & Persons

    Human Computer Interaction *

    Quantitative Methods in Psychology *

    Advanced Statistical Methods in Psychology *

    Behavioral Game Theory

    Introduction to Logic

    Logic, Reasoning, Persuasion

    Logic of Decision

    Management & Training Lab *

    Military Leadership & Problem Solving *

    Individual Leadership Studies *

    Elementary Chinese *

    Cultural Memory in Contemporary China

    Law and Politics

    Choice & Strategy in Politics


    Strategies in International Relations

    Comparative Politics

    International Political Economies

    Principles & Applications of Microeconomics

    Human Nature & Diversity

    Space, Place, Location

    Diaspora: Religion, Community, Home

    Architectural Design *

    Environmental Design Analysis *

    Fundamentals of Environmental Planning *

    Methods of Planning Analysis *

    Site Planning & Design

    Design Sustainability


    Conservation Ecology

    Environmental Science

    Fundamentals of Environmental Geomatics *

    Planet Earth

    Spatial Data Visualization *